About Us

Here is where we could eventually post our vision statement, once we have one that we can post. 🙂


Meet the Leadership Team

One of our goals in the music ministry is to develop a team of several people who are capable of filling the leadership roles so that no one person has to carry everything. This allows for breaks, prevents burnout, and opens the door to a variety of input.

Christina requests that Yumi and Stacey each write a short self-introduction and send it to her. She also thinks it would be helpful for everyone– us, those we’re leading, parish council, the clergy– if we clarified our roles. Unless such clarification has happened, in which case, she would very much like to be caught up. And we might also consider asking Chaz or Lynn-Marie to get headshots of each of us. I can’t believe that I’m suggesting this, but whatever.

*Yumi Larsen …

*Stacey Sanchez …

*Christina Pankey has been singing in church and in various choirs since she was five years old. She began learning Byzantine chant and liturgics at her home parish of St Peter the Apostle in Pomona shortly after her conversion to Orthodoxy in 2008. Christina joined the St Barnabas choir in 2015.

*Tatyana Garten, Leadership Apprentice? Shall I include this? Or not yet? I’m fine with either, but if she’s not going to be listed, that needs to be a conversation with her.